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The ancient Chinese observed their environment and noticed that the same basic energies that manifested in the world were also reflected in human beings. The Five Elements (water, wood, fire, earth, metal) are a way of describing these energies. In nature, these five basic energies are each associated with a season, and in humans they’re associated with bodily organs, energy meridians, and emotions.

Like the seasons, each of the elements gives birth to the next in a never-ending cycle. Just as an ideal summer creates an abundant harvest, when the elements are in balance in us, we have a sense of well-being. However, when one of the elements is out of balance, it will start to affect all the other elements. Like a chain with a weak link, the whole cycle is affected, and symptoms of unease appear.

Each of us has a unique relationship to the elements. In perfect health, all of the elements are equally strong, each one nurturing the next. However in the course of our lives, we can start to experience imbalances in one or more of the elements

Five Element Acupuncture treats the elements that are out of balance to create harmony in body, mind and spirit.